The latest fad in dance is not a quickstep or a pole vaulting phenomenon. Rather, the newest trend in dance is not actually a dance form at all! It's only much better. It is called as the DDR game pad, or sometimes as the dance dance flash game revolution, and it is actually a console based game that combines dancing with gaming. Needless to say, it is being touted as the latest best thing to happen in the field of health and fitness.
The game itself is quite similar to the various classic arcade games we all know and love so much. In fact, the dance revolution is an arcade game at its core. You will be doing all the familiar things like shooting aliens, getting people to jump over fires, making Mario jump over those blocks and collect his coins (yes, Mario he's there on dance online game!) or simply shoot blocks Arkanoid. The console is the same; the games are the same. Then, what's the difference?
Well, the difference in the way the game is played. Dance revolution is not controlled by hands, but by the feet. There is no keyboard, mouse, or a joystick console to operate here, but there is a dance pad on the floor. The dance pad has the arrows in the same directions as they are present on the keyboard. And you have to step on these arrows in order to play the game. The player on the console screen will move in the direction that the arrow is pressed.
But that's not all, either. The game is all about dance, right? There can be no dance without music. The dance revolution has several tracks on which it can be played. The speed of the game and even the movements of the player in the console will depend on the beats within the music. If the music is slow, the player moves slow; and if the music is fast, the player moves fast.
The concept of the dance online game makes a heady cocktail of music, arcade gaming and plain ol' reflexes. There is absolutely no wonder that it has captivated the attention of the world in such a large way. Dance revolution music has been around for almost a decade now, but it has been the staple of arcade gaming centers. However dance online game is one of the most effective entertainment and even fitness solutions of our generation.